Canadas health-care system dont do transexuals – Written by Lauren McKeon, Canadian University Press

Patient turned away because of her sexual orientation

Toronto (CUP) ?- When Michelle B. booked an appointment with a renowned Toronto plastic surgeon, she wasn’t expecting to be shown the door so quickly.

In fact, every time she enters a situation with a health care provider – be it a surgeon or a general practitioner – there’s a risk she’ll be treated differently. But she says some reactions are impossible to ignore.

According to Michelle B., it took the doctor just one fact to determine that he couldn’t treat her: she was a transsexual.

The doctor is not trained to operate on transsexuals and does not accept them as patients.

“In a private clinic, I have the right to choose who I can safely look after,” Michelle B. recalled him saying.

Michelle B. claimed the doctor slammed his book down and yelled, “I don’t do you people,” before tearing out of his office.