Progress is slow for Korea’s transgenders – By Sung So-young

The camera zooms in on the chest of a woman in an elegant black dress before panning up to slowly reveal her beautiful face and long, wavy tresses. Next, the camera focuses on her masculine-looking hands; t…

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Cross-Dressers are also “T”s – Written By Brian McNaught

Cross-dressers are like bisexuals. They are allegedly in the majority of their minority communities (transgender and non-heterosexual, respectively,) but no one knows who they are.

When average …

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Transcending gender – By Stacey Kennelly

In a world where he’s long felt invisible, Aydin Kennedy reflects on the man he’s become, and the female identity he left behind

Aydin Kennedy is a 34-year-old social worker and student who lives in Chico, whe…

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Floats like a butterfly, dresses like a she – Fionala Meredith – photographs by Charles McQuillan

T’s a few days before Christmas, and at a small suburban social club near Belfast, preparations for a party are well under way. The mince pies are heating up in the oven, sausage r…

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Hanging on by a Sequin – by Rachel Rabbit White

The stretch of 26th Street that makes the heart of Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood is vibrant on a Friday night. The smell of taco stands is warm and inviting in the cold, as people bustle amongst the c…

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