Transgender Today – NYT Editorial Series – Editorial Board May 4 2015

“The only way I will rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans.”“Fix society. Please.” Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old, in her suicide note.


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Parenting a Transgender Child – Sarah Virginia White – Editor at Sproutling, writing about inspiring and empowered parents.

Tomas is an 8-year-old who was born male and began going to school as a girl named Luna in second grade. At the time, his parents, Amy a…

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Choosing to be a woman – Gargi Gupta

Kalki Subramanian will come as something of a shock to all those who get their idea of the transgender community from the hijras they see at traffic junctions. In Delhi recently for the launch of Songs of The Caravan, an a…

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A closet within a closet – Susan Greene

Unique Taylor doesn’t officially exist.

That’s because the 37-year-old, convicted for a drug-manufacturing conspiracy, is trapped, quite literally, in two of the most extreme ways possible. Taylor lives in s…

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