Blurring the Gender Line – By Serena Renner – Associate Focus Editor

UCSD takes initiative to create a friendlier climate for those on campus who break the boundaries between male and female.

The life of Marie Villalobos is not that different from any ot…

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Time to stop hatred and violence – By Nadine Smith

We can be horrified, but we cannot be surprised.

Witness the death of yet another child who said he was gay — the murder of another teenager who defied gender stereotypes.

On Friday, Feb. 22, 17-year-old Simm…

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Conversions – The story of Issa Fazli – Posted by Bill Jempty

In 1999 Fareeha Fazli was a Pakistani Muslim woman studying in the United States. She had permanent residency. In 2000 Issa Fazli got married. Fareeha converting to christianity, besides having female to male …

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Its me in a different way – By Jeff Kass, Rocky Mountain News

On the first day of eighth grade, Melaina Marquez wore a polo shirt, wedge shoes and denim skirt with ruffles.

The year before, that outfit would have been out of the question. At that poi…

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The ghost in the mirror – By Doug Gruse

Jennifer Finney Boylan knows what it’s like to be a spirit trapped between two worlds.

In “I’m Looking through You: Growing Up Haunted,” Boylan writes about her experiences living in a house where the unexplained was …

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Taga-igib – By Joel P. Palacios

It’s hard for men to admit it publicly. Very few have the nerve to even talk about it. But a growing number of men claim they have been misled, their anger rising to dangerous levels.

Despite the bluster an…

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Advice: Hot in High Heels – By Alexandra Gregory and Clayton Norlen

Dear He Says, She Says,

I’ve always considered myself a typical guy – I’m really into sports, beer and beautiful girls. But something has always bugged me about myself, an…

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Drag against the occupation – By Tamara Traubmann

A full dance floor in a South Tel Aviv nightclub, replete with its share of drag queens. Ostensibly another Friday night of gay men having a good time. But this is not an ordinary party of this sort. Palestinians a…

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Irans diagnosed transsexuals – By Vanessa Barford – BBC News

Homosexual relationships are banned in Iran, but the country allows sex change operations and hundreds of men have elected for surgery to change their lives.

“He wants to kill me. He keeps telling m…

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