Sex-reassignment surgery

Imagine a scalpel digging deep into your innards as if to remove them. That is how Vidya, a transgender in Chennai, felt when she underwent castration at a clinic in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, for “just Rs.6,000”. It was performed in “ba…

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Becoming a Black Man – By Daisy Hernandez, ColorLines RaceWire

As more people of color transition between genders, the ways that racism is different for men and women come to the surface.

Louis Mitchell expected a lot of change when he began taking injec…

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Group a place to be open – By Ashley Smith – Telegraph Staff

In transition

Telegraph Staff Seated on a chair in the corner of the room, Erika played with her silver bracelet as she described for the women around her what it used to feel like to look a…

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I am here – By Melanie Asmar – Monitor staff

On July 2, 2002, Arwen Mitton woke up in someone else’s bed. The room wasn’t familiar. The house, at the end of a country road in Littleton, wasn’t familiar. Her body wasn’t familiar. She screame…

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Tell Her The Truth about Crossdressing – by Brianna Austin

There are many crossdressers that are sure that by hiding their dressing desires that they are “protecting” their wives and or girlfriends. But are they protecting the women they supposedly love, or themselv…

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Debate over marriage ignores the intersexed – By Mark Casey

“One man, one woman” may be a popular slogan among politicians opposed to gay marriage. But for thousands of Americans for whom sexual identity is anything but straightforward, the phrase is a cruel joke.

On Aug…

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Book Review: Im Looking Through You – Posted by Damian Kilby

Jennifer Finney Boylan writes memoirs to help readers understand the transsexual experience. It’s a difficult topic for most of us to wrap our thoughts around — especially since we’re rarely even aware o…

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Exclusive inclusiveness – Natacha Kennedy

Which is better: to be ignored because of inertia or deliberately excluded? This is what most transgendered people in the UK face

Labour has a good record of passing laws supporting minority and disa…

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