Bi Guy Blues – By Cam Lindquist

“You know, there is only one thing worse than being straight… it’s being bi!” Everyone laughed, including Byron, who laughed so hard he had to grab for his napkin to contain the Diet Coke coming out of his nose. He ha…

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Transgendered Aggie tells her story – By: Thomas McKigney

Phyllis Randolph Frye, advocate for transgender rights, shared her story of struggle as a transsexual Thursday in the Stark Galleries at Texas A&M’s Memorial Student Center.

Before her transition she gr…

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Couple marks Coming Out Day – By Alyssa Urish, Camera Staff Writer

Sandra Azcarate has never considered herself “mainstream.”

She listens to The Ramones and The Sex Pistols, likes artsy movies and intellectual conversations and grew up in Peru — so there are…

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Pushing the gender boundaries – Natasha Barsotti – Xtra West

Suzan Krieger says she “always ended up” playing a leather jacket-clad greaser with waterfall sideburns when she went into drag mode. It was mostly songs from the ’50s, she remembers. Old school.

She also re…

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The Inner Battle of the Sexes – Kayla Lynch

In our society, there are two clear genders: male and female. Androgyny may be trendy, but there are only ‘male’ and ‘female’ check boxes on driver’s license forms, birth certificates, and other forms. S…

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Transgenders do need protection laws – By Tobias Packer

“We don’t serve your kind here, get out.”

“I don’t rent to people like you.”

“Don’t even bother applying, your type isn’t welcome here.”

What would you do if you heard these words. Call a lawyer? Call the…

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A gender bender of a fishy tale – Babette Francis

The view that humans come in two kinds, male and female, is under challenge if not outdated.

In a rear-guard action, the Fatherhood Foundation launched a booklet, 21 Reasons Why Gender Matters.

Several p…

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Transgenders and Homosexuals are Different – By truelife90

For some reason, some people still think transgenders are homosexuals who decide to change their sex. No! You’ve got it wrong. Transgenders are not homosexuals. Actually, they should be considered as heterosexuals.

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Book excels in gender issues – Ruth Lane

Encourages student in identifying, coping during changes

A rare event has occurred in the area of gender studies – the publication of “The Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman On Sexism and The Scapegoating o…

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