Transgender woman reflects on life changes – BY Sha’Day Jackson

Robbie Cohn, 56, has decided she will no longer pretend to be someone she is not.

“After the genie was out of the bottle, I told myself that I would never live in denial ever again,” said Cohn, who was bor…

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A Family Doctors Journey From Man to Woman – By Neil Swidey, Globe Staff

On May 22, 2006, Mike Foster was sitting on the padded exam table in his doctor?s office, undergoing his annual physical. It was a familiar place. For 14 years, he?d been coming to see the same doctor in the …

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Prejudice, Trannies and Gum Ball Machines – Submitted by Cathii

I have noticed recently a huge amount of prejudice concerning trannies recently. Originally I dismissed it as isolated groups flying their own flag and refusing to accept anything else. I am now realising that …

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Time to give transgenders rights, not ridicule – Michael Mayo – News Columnist

Last summer, when my cholesterol count came back high, my wife signed me up with a personal trainer. “You’ll like him,” she said. “He’s got an interesting story.”

Off I went to Bodies Under Constru…

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Ashley Crawford: Post-Gender – Shannon Larratt

?Body modification is a personal choice. Primarily, my genitals are the site of erotic pleasure rather than a symbol of my identity or politics. My primary interest in changing my genitals is to enable me to do new and …

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No sex please, we are asexual – By Shelley Bridgeman

As a student at the University of Liverpool in the 80s, Chris Coles called himself asexual. It made sense to him. “I was studying biology,” he says. “And asexual organisms don’t have sex.”

But few people unde…

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