To Go, or Not to Go, That Is the Question – Leslie Lagerstrom – Proud mom of two children; advocate for families with transgender and gender-variant kids

From our kitchen I could hear the diesel engine roar and the chassis squeak as the school bus rounded the bend of the …

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EMU alum shares transgender journey – By Ashley G. Terrell

“She stands in the quiet darkness, this troubled woman bowed by weariness and pain like an autumn flower in the frozen rain, like a wind-blown autumn flower that never lifts its head again.”

– Langston Hughe…

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Jan. 9, 2008 (My Feast of the Epiphany) – Fran Fried

In much of Christianity, January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany – the commemoration of the revelation of God the son in human form through Jesus, whether it be the visitation of the Magi to the baby in the m…

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Transition Deconstructed – Brynn Tannehill – Defense research scientist

Recently I read pieces on The Huffington Post that gave the viewpoints of two people: One is transgender and transitioned after getting married, and the other is her former spouse. Ma…

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