One-man play highlights GLBT History Month – By Sarah Lohman

Man tells of experience in program to convert gays

You can’t make fish fly, but you can chuck them across the room and make them think, for just a little while, that they can.

Tearfully, a member of the crowd asked …

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Transgender human rights being ignored – By Anna Chalmers

It is not so much blatant discrimination that makes life hard for Claudia McKay.

It is the daily challenges ? such as the giggling schoolgirls, or the caller who cannot reconcile the deep voice on the line with her…

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Being true to themselves – By Angie Fenton

Monica Roberts gently circled a fingertip around the lip of her coffee cup, the perfect manicure a stark contrast to such large, strong hands.

“Gender is who you are,” said Roberts, 42, an organizer of a conf…

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Profile: Jimmy to Jessica – by Richard Baron

When a leggy blonde calling herself Jessica Jameson showed up at the 40th reunion of El Paso High’s class of ?66 a few weeks back, nobody was quite able to place her at first. She looked familiar, to be sure, and…

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Tansgender = Body Mod?! – natasha242

Call me naive. Goddess knows that I may well be as I haven’t been into body modifications very long; less than 6 months if I am to be truthful. The thought of a newbie writing an article might seem like a laughable prospect,…

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Transgender success stories – By Joanne Herman

Varying degrees of ?stealth? have allowed many transgender people to be quite successful in spite of the challenges. The 12th and final installment in The Advocate?s Transgender 101 series

I might have transitione…

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Girl power – By Nicole Riehl – The Gazette

Local drag queen shows more popular than ever

Kylie Cass takes the stage in her orange and white vinyl blazer, short white skirt and thigh-high white boots.

Her tousled light-brown curls bounce as…

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