How Video Games Saved A Transgendered Gamer – by Nick Tan

On the tumblr blog “How Games Saved My Life”, transgender gamer Morgan McCormick shares her testimonial on how games helped him accept herself. I would blockquote this entire passage, but it’s just not necessary. I a…

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Transgender Love: When Husband Becomes Wife – By Susan Donaldson James

When Diane Daniel met her husband Wessel, she was attracted to his smile, quiet humor and gentleness — “and of course his Dutch accent.” Though it shocked her, she dismissed the occasional cross-dressing as…

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A working life: the drag queen – Mark King

I’m sitting in a crowded cafe in Soho as Richard Rhodes serenades me with Katy Perry’s hit California Girls – except the lyrics aren’t how I remember them. “I know a place where it’s cool to have an Asbo, cold grey and we…

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Goodbye husband, hello wife – By Diane Daniel, Globe Correspondent

Not long ago I volunteered to help the director of a New England nonprofit get media coverage and, we hoped, more funding, for his organization that helps transgendered youth.

What the pu…

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A transgender journey: Making space – Juliet Jacques

Pre-transition, I managed my gender difference through careful compartmentalisation. In my teens and early 20s, inferring from the media and my peers that social disapproval could make transsexual living rather compli…

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Gender more than anatomy – Ellena Savage

I am comfortable in the sex assigned to me at birth. I’m female. Roar. Or, as certain elected members of our cabinet and shadow cabinet would have it, meow.

However, I do find it bizarre and slightly offensive …

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Walk a mile in a man’s social media shoes – Amy Mullins

We all know how the famous saying goes; “If you want to understand a person, walk a mile in their shoes.”

It sounds corny and it’s pretty much stating the obvious, but it is an important truism.

If I want to understand…

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