Pakistan: There Is Light Under The Lamp – Press Release: Asian Human Rights Commission

When the petition for looking into the plight of Khawja Saras1 (transsexual / transvestite) was filed at the supreme court of Pakistan, and reported in some of the more sensational Urdu prin…

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The dancing boys of Afghanistan – Ghaith Abdul-Ahad – The Guardian

It was an ancient tradition banned by the Taliban but now it’s back: Ghaith Abdul-Ahad reports from northern Afghanistan on the hiring out of young male dancers by older men

The night’s rituals un…

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Quilts Of Love – From Tehelka Magazine

Queer Pride Week comes once a year but millions of Indian women fight all year round – as women, ‘single’ women and lesbians, finds Amrita Nandy-Joshi

Even if they are not fed healthy food, little girls in Indi…

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Tasmanian take on transgender issues – by Safak Timur

Istanbul -They are often in the media when they are arrested for prostitution, beaten by a client or police, or worst of all when they are victims of a hate crime. But this time transgender people living in Istanbul …

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Homo undercurrents in Hong Kong culture – Patty Comeau

Helen Hok-Sze Leung set out to examine Hong Kong’s gay and lesbian cinema, only to find that what she was looking for didn’t exist.

“I discovered that I couldn’t find the kind of expected images that I was used to,” she adm…

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