Clergy Pushes Congress For Hate Crimes Legislation – By Dennis McMillan

In a historic showing of religious support for the passage of two major pieces of civil rights legislation, hundreds of clergy from a diverse reflection of America?s faith backgrounds gathered on Capitol Hill on April 17 to lobby their respective members of Congress to end workplace discrimination against their fellow brothers and sisters and pass the much-needed hate crimes bill this year.

?For too long, there has been a false perception in American politics that faith and religion stand diametrically opposed to equality for GLBT Americans,? said Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese. ?The hundreds of clergy joining us are here because they understand that we are all God?s children, and our differing sexual orientations and our differing gender identities are not shameful sins, but rather amazing gifts from God.? Solmonese said that clergy from all 50 states urged Congress to pass hate crimes legislation and end workplace discrimination.