Colonial era laws on cross-dressing should be repealed – By Staff

Dear Editor,

Guyana has become an international laughing stock for the recent conviction and fine by our Acting Chief Magistrate on February 9, of seven Guyanese citizens for what is commonly called ‘cross-dressing.’ Within Guyana the arrests and charges on February 6 have left reasonable-minded citizens in shock and dismay. The charges were laid under section 153 (1) (xlvii) of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act Chapter 8:02 which makes an offence of “being a man, in any public way or public place, for any improper purpose, appears in female attire, or being a woman, in any public way or public place, for any improper purpose, appears in male attire… ” What is more ironic is that the men pleaded that they were so dressed to attend a well-advertised entertainment event that made fun of cross-dressing.