Discovery of a Transsexual Gene Raises More Questions Than Answers – By Julia Wallace

New research suggests transsexualism is indeed a genetic trait. But how conclusive is the study?

A few weeks ago, Hanna Rosin’s wrenching and well-researched article about young transsexuals—including a girl named Bridget (née Brandon), whose first words were “I like your high heels”—zipped around the blogosphere. In it, Rosin discusses the unsettling work of a psychiatrist who questions the scientific basis for allowing children to “transition” to the gender of their choice, citing several kids who emerged from their gender dysphoria after a rigorous course of therapy. “If a 5-year-old black kid came into the clinic and said he wanted to be white, would we endorse that?” he asks. The prospect of letting pre-pubescent pipsqueaks take hormone-blockers that might have far-reaching effects on their health and future fertility is indeed a little nerve-wracking.