Diversity forum aims to educate

SeacoastOnline.com – By Rachel M. Collins

York, Maine – A daylong gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender program will provide an opportunity for York High School students and community members to work together to educate people about an issue that has caused societal prejudice, said Jeff Barry, a YHS teacher and adviser to the school’s civil rights team.

“This is an issue that gets short shift in society,” Barry said. “It’s unspoken or talked about in quiet tones.”

Yet one of the goals of the civil rights team, as well as the York Diversity Forum, is to “break down stereotypes and (to) educate people,” said Dr. Milton Davis of the diversity forum, a cosponsor of the event.

“We’ve been doing programs to fight prejudice for the last several years,” Davis said. “We have focused on different groups that are subject to prejudice.”