eMail Backlog for Jon

Just a heads up for everyone. I was out of town last week on a last minute trip unrelated to URNA and just got home in the wee hours this morning. While I was away I was unable to retrieve or reply to URNA Related eMails.

Dan handled all the Support Requests and other eMails that were sent to the admin account, but, any personal eMail that was sent to me is in my Inbox with 25,000 other eMails. No doubt most will be SPAM, but it’s going to take me awhile to slog through them all.

Bear with me if you sent an eMail to me instead of to the admin eMail address as it will take some time for me to go through them all and respond. Fee free to resend if you expected a reply from me and didn’t receive one.

You’ll also notice the lack of Article postings last week. I normally do the postings as Dan is busy writing the code that makes URNA, URNA. I’ll be back to daily Article postings now that I’m back home:)