For transsexuals, scientists say, difference is in the genes – Posted By: Edward M. Gomez

Earlier this week, the Sydney Morning Herald reported the results of a new scientific-research project, the “largest-ever genetic study of transsexuals,” in which “Australian researchers have discovered a DNA variation linked to male-to-female transsexualism.” This genetic discovery “strengthens the view that there is a biological reason why some people feel they are living in the wrong body, in this case men who have a strong desire to live as [women].” In the research study, “112 Australian and American male-to-female transsexuals found they were more likely to have a genetic variation in a gene that could lead to a feminization of the brain during early development.” Thus, the research project’s findings (published in the journal Biological Psychiatry), have “confirmed that transsexual[ism is] not a lifestyle decision,” as some commentators have suggested.