Forced out: A real ID problem for trans people – Joanne Herman

Changing one?s name and gender marker privately can be tricky if you’re transgender, and a new law designed to thwart terrorists is about to make it a lot trickier. Part 10 in The Advocate?s ongoing Transgender 101 series

Forced out: A real ID problem for trans people

I started work with a new employer right after transitioning to live as a female in 2002. My previous employer had made it clear that they were not going to accept my gender transition.

It was also the start of my one-year ?real life experience? of living in my true gender. RLE, as it’s called, is one step in the guidelines for gender transition set by medical professionals. It’s intended to serve as a sort of trial one must pass before receiving the medical letter of approval required for sex reassignment surgery. With management at my new job fully aware of the ?old? (male) me, I figured my transgender status might never be an issue.