Forget Adam and Steve…Is Adam Really Eve? – Jaeda

A Realization Regarding the Gay Gene Debate

For years, in an attempt at defending ourselves against both the ?homosexuality is a sin, you?re going to hell? contingent, and the ?homosexuality is a mental disorder, you?re a pervert? delegation, the GLBTQ community embraced the Nature half of the Nature v. Nurture argument. After all, when trying to defend your very existence to a distraught parent, confused heterosexual spouse, or angry alleged gay-basher, explaining that it wasn?t your fault ? or your mother?s fault ? just could at least buy you a moment of befuddled politically correct paralysis. (It?s amazing how many people balk at offending someone who is mentally or physically challenged, while their strict moral code has some sort of loophole when it comes to using the word ?faggot.?) However, are scientists anywhere near discovering a ?gay gene?? Every few years, Time, 60 Minutes, or Frontline does a feature on the subject and everyone goes crazy ? supporters, detractors, religious zealots ? everyone has an opinion. But no one seems to be listening to what is actually being reported.