I did it my way!


I was born in a village thirty kilometres from Muang Kalasin, a male by birth, if not by nature. I?ve had a skirt on since I was a small boy. Girls in the village accepted me as one of them, and the rest called me kratoey…

Mana the kratoey… my identity. I cannot change it. I don’t want to change it or hide it. One thing I wouldn’t do, is to have a sex change for I want to keep every bit I was given at birth. And, ducky, as you can see I haven’t added any- thing. Being a flat chested female impersonator does not impose any problem. A lot of the girls have done it, everything, including the hormone and silicone injections. Everything about me is real, including my own hair.

I can do the Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe impersonations but Uza Minnelli and Shirley Bassey are more me. Dark, vivacious, expressive. My favourite numbers are Bassey’s This is My Life, Big Spender, and Some Day. Cabaret is boring; it has been flogged to death.