Im discriminated against because Im NOT Gay – By daddythumper131

Throughout my life, I’ve only had one constant, that everything changes. These changes may take place over time or in a quick rush, but a constant whirl of chaotic change nevertheless. Even I seem to change dramatically over the years, but don’t they say, ‘Everyone changes.’ I am known for my constant changes to my whole being. It seems that who I am changes with every stage I enter. I personally believe that it’s just the way I take to growing up. I want to experience everything, so I have to be so many different people in one lifetime to make that happen. But the basic fundamentals that make me who I am never change no matter what stage I may be in.

Picture this…I am 25 years old and have three kids. One is my son and I have two step-daughters. I am married to a wonderful woman whom I couldn’t picture my life without. I live for my family. They are the center of my universe. They are the reason I have gotten back into school and am going to someday receive my bachelor’s degree. They are my motivation to achieving that goal. I want to create a wonderful life for them.

But four years ago….

I was a queen!!!