Is The New Transsexual Police Commissioner In San Francisco The Right Woman For The Job?

You know, I?m not really sure just how I feel about this

And no, no, I do not give a big fat rat?s behind whether or not Theresa Sparks – who was born male, was married and divorced with three children, served in the Army and is a Vietnam vet, etc., etc., – somewhere. sometime, somehow decided that he wanted to be a she. And did so. Everyone needs a goal after all. I?m not ambiguous about that at all. I don?t care

I do not care about the homosexual implications of the whole thing. I?ve said it before, I?ll say it again….what consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms has absolutely no impact on me or my life. Have at it. Yee-ha! I?m not ambiguous about that, either. I don?t care.

And, finally, I don?t care that Theresa Spark?s real life business is being the CEO of one of the country?s largest sex toy companies, Good Vibrations. She gets points for the name of the company for sure