Island is in dire need of a gay and lesbian centre

Bermuda Sun

Professional drag queen Mark Anderson this week gave homophobic Bermudians a dressing down for being intolerant and hypocritical about gays.

He told the Bermuda Sun that Bermuda is in dire need of a gay and lesbian centre where homosexuals could go for counselling and sex education.

He said the need is greatest for teenagers who are struggling with their identity ? but often have nowhere to turn.

Mr. Anderson was critical of married men who lead double lives. He said it?s not right, but it?s also more common than people think. ?People end up getting hurt over it ? especially the children. I think it?s wrong.?

He also said: ?Since I?ve been back all those attracted to me have been married men.?

Mr. Anderson has been back home in Bermuda for nearly two years although he still returns to the U.S .for gigs as a drag queen.