It Takes a Village to Shoot Smack

Want to go hang out in Lower Polk but think it’s too seedy to want to go? Well, have no fear, a solution is at hand. The Polk Corridor Business Association wants to change the name of the area from Polk Gulch to Polk Village. Because what self-respecting transvestite hooker wants to turn tricks in a “village.” Said Lulu, our favorite Polk Gulch tranny hooker, “oh honey, you know I don’t take your credit card no more.”

The plan is to post banners up everywhere in the Gulch announcing that you’re in Polk Village, then making it official in three years after everybody had gotten used to it by putting it on a ballot. Reaction seems to be along the lines of “wha?” but so far, there is no reaction from Gay Shame who complained earlier when folks put nice restaurants and bars in Polk Gulch and almost ruined their Lou Reed fantasies.

Up next, attempts to change Bay View/Hunter’s Point to Bay View/Deer Meadows and the Western Addition to the Western Resort & Spa Addition.