It’s Almost Christmas

Some of you may have noticed the minor changes that are occurring around URNA. For instance, we recently added a “Status Bar” to every page of the site that shows you instantly how many people are online, how many people are chatting, and gives you a simple, easy place to logon and off of your profile.

We’ve also been improving and enhancing the major parts of the site so that they are faster and more reliable. Many have noticed the new Profile sorting features that allow you to search for an Age Range, and More! Many more you have mentioned how much you enjoy our new Chat Server with its colors, hyperlinks and emoticons.

Now, you can let people know when you are in our Chat room with a simple icon that appears right on your Profile! That’s not even the best part. We added the ability for you to put this icon right on your own homepage! That’s right, if you are a registered member, not only can visitors to URNA see if you are in Chat, but visitors to your homepage can as well!

Make sure that you are logged on to your URNA Account, and check out our Link To Us page. We’ve added a simple feature that provides the HTML code that you need to add your very own Chat Icon, anywhere that you want!

We have a lot more going on to enhance your URNA experience. Some of these features you’ve heard about, some of them will be a suprise. After all, it’s not Christmas yet! 🙂