Jess Dugan Blurs the lines of rectitude – By Bo Moore

Gender can be a bossy little jerk, disallowing 50 pecent of our potential personality traits the instant we pop out of the womb. In an either/or world, our roles as men or women are not very flexible, but the transgender community is creating a more universal sexual identity. “Freedom from these norms is for everybody,” says photographer Jess Dugan, whose portrait series Rectitude examines the joys of ambiguity. Dugan’s subjects are subtly masculine, vaguely feminine and beautifully unconcerned with the difference. “I am interested in how gender manifests itself in everybody,” says the recent MassArt grad.

Rectitude – Jess T. Dugan – Until 10/11/08
Gallery Kayafas – 450 Harrison Ave., #61, Boston
Tue-Sat: 11AM-5:30PM –