Jon and Vicky on Vacation

Just a Heads Up. Vicky and I will be on a much needed vacation in Puerto Rico from Friday, 11/28 through Sunday, 12/14. We will not be online during this time period, so if you have general questions or issues regarding URNA, please send them via the support link at the bottom of the pages. Keep in mind that Dan will be holding down the fort, all by his lonesome, so please be easy on him and expect repsonses to take a bit longer than usual.

While Vicky and I are on Vacation, you won’t be seeing the daily Article Updates that are posted every day. I normally do these postings and Dan’s going to have his hands full working on the site and responding to eMails. The Article updates will start up again when Vicky and I return.

It will take us several days to go through all our eMail when we get back to Boston, so please be patient. If you send us personal eMail during this time period it will be up to a week after we return before we’re able to reply to them all. I know that I, personally, usually have tens of thousands of eMails to go through (most the inevitable SPAM) when we get back from vacation and it can take me up to a week to go through them all and then to reply to the one’s that aren’t SPAM.