Just around the (gender) bend

Media.www.DailyEmerald.com – By: Talia Schmidt – Freelance reporter |

The LGBTQA’s drag show participants thrilled the crowd in the EMU Ballroom Saturday night

The drag stars meandered down the line, flashing a sign that asked for $1 donations. Upon paying up a buck, the drag queen or king would briefly spank the donator with a sparkly white whip. The drag stars collected wads of crisp dollars bills, stuffing them into their cleavage-baring dresses.

The lobby of the EMU was packed Saturday night as people stood in line for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Alliance annual drag show, “Push.”

As University students and community members filed into the EMU Ballroom, murmurs about the runway’s professional and authentic look could be overheard. The room filled up just as the show was scheduled to start. After about 20 minutes had passed and no one had entered the stage or made any announcement, suddenly, from all angles, there appeared to be hundreds of purple camera flashes. It was the fire alarm.