Kings and queens take to the stage in Totally Fabulous Drag Show tonight – Kyra Buckley

What: Totally Fabulous Drag Show
Where: Goldstein Auditorium
When: Tonight at 8 p.m.
How much: $5 for students

Tonight, Goldstein Auditorium will host an event fully dedicated to gender bending, flamboyant performers and promoting AIDS awareness. For the sixth consecutive year Pride Union, along with the Black Communications Society and Delta Lambda Phi, will host the “Totally Fabulous Drag Show.” The show begins at 8 p.m. and costs $5 for students.

“It’s one of the biggest drag shows on the East Coast,” John Crandall, sophomore anthropology major and outreach coordinator for the event, said. “We are one of the biggest student-run and organized drag shows, as well.”