Lost in London

SFBayTimes – Dan Baird

First off, I’d like to make a correction to my last column. The name of the person in charge of GUNS, the club where I DJ-ed, is David Mills; Mitchell is his middle name. David Mills was absolutely charming and graciously hosted me several times during my stay out to a few bars and clubs, and a bingo night, even. We had lots of catching up to do regarding San Francisco as he used to live here. I also think that GUNS stands a chance to possibly become one of London’s hottest new clubs. It is clearly unique insofar as providing a gay club that plays really informed and brilliant rock and roll. It’s kind of hard to believe that this is the case, and I champion their fine endeavor. Rock on, GUNS.

There is plenty to do in London than watch TV. The problem is getting completely lost when trying to find places. I did much of this during the first few days I was here. One night I left a certain Gentlemen’s Spa in Shoreditch knowing I was definitely within walking distance of my friends’ home. I ended up wandering in circles until the wee hours unable to find their apartment, and it was quite cold out.