Making a Difference – By Pam Bennett

A former Air Force sergeant (and former man) on running for office as a transgender candidate.

Pam Bennett is 5 feet 10 inches, sports a blonde bob and is the only transgender running for city council in the United States. Bennett, who is running for a seat in Aurora, Col., transitioned from Bruce Dennis Bennett to Pam four years ago at the age of 52. The former Air Force sergeant and aerodefense engineer has no problem telling potential voters about her past so “there’s no guesswork involved.”

There’s not much about me that isn’t known. I’ve been involved in politics for many years?from supporting candidates to raising money?but when you file for office, you are no longer a citizen. You are a public figure. That changes the dynamics of everything in your life. I had to accept that once I filed to run for Aurora City Council, I would immediately become not only of local interest, but of international interest too.