Man shocked by friends transsexual revelation – Abigail Van Buren

Dear Abby: About a month ago, I was shocked out of my shoes. My longtime friend, ‘Orville,’ told me he had bought $280 worth of women’s clothes. He went on to describe how ‘great’ it feels to wear them. He says he has been a cross-dresser since boyhood when he started wearing his sister’s clothes. When she found out, she continued dressing him up, and he loved it.

Orville says he’s a woman trapped in a man’s body – something about brain lobes. I saw it once in the newspaper, but didn’t read it because I wasn’t interested.

Orville has told a lot of his friends, and now he is isolated. I don’t go over there either, because I don’t want to hear it. (He even said I should try it.)