Mission remembers

OttSun.Canoe.ca – By Earl McRae

Plaques honour those who have passed away at shelter

In memory of our friends who were loved and cared for at The Mission Hospice. We miss you.

— The inscription —

Three more died last week. In one day. Died in the embraces of the only loved ones they had, the caring staff at The Mission. Each will soon have his name, too, engraved in gold script on a small metal plate that will be attached to the three plaques on the west wall of The Mission’s chapel with the dates they were born, the dates they died. Misfortune’s children.

David Lawrence. Lucie Doyon. Bruce Carkner. Sandar Majumdar. Jane Bovaird. Norm Ignace. Walter “Wally” Powless. Barbara Wilson. Roy Brandt. Royal Lacroix. Peter Major. Mark Gershman. Herman Standingready. Keavin Amyot. Denis Lessard. Albert Miller. Carl Hunter. Rosanne Newbury.

The honour roll of the dead. Men. Women. Ninety names in all since 2001 when the memorial was begun. Men and women who died in The Mission. Who died from cancer, heart attacks, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis C, AIDS — men and women who died from the many things that people die from, even, in some cases, broken hearts. The difference is that most people are not supposed to die in their 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s.