Mistress, Misstress: Michael Formika Jones Gives the Orders

BlackBookMag.com – By Steve Lewis

Misstress Formika Jones is a formidable player who I have had the pleasure and pain of working with for many years. She pushes the envelope and the limits of those around her. This is basically what a dominatrix is paid for, so the name is kind of perfect. There are few out there in nightlife pushing limits – few see the need. In the last six months there has been a burst of envelope – pushing parties, and nightlife – for so long buried under the ashes of persecution – is sprouting once again. The scene has spread from the megaclubs to hundreds of undiscovered little joints around town. While I sit here, a trial is taking place for the survival of one of the last remaining mega-clubs. Pacha is fighting for its life in a courtroom where reason and logic must prevail, or else we are all moving to LA. It seems strange that Pacha exists in 25 cities worldwide, yet New York can’t handle it. Misstress Formika Jones is one of the last remaining links to a happier more creative and inclusive time, and I celebrate her.