Mookey’s Story – Transgender Youths Find Support, But Challenges Remain – Carolyn Goossen

Editor’s Note: A new generation of transgender youths is finding more societal acceptance and support than ever before. But hardships remain, particularly for young people from immigrant backgrounds. Carolyn Goossen, a writer for New America Media, spends times with Mookey, a 24-year-old Chinese-American college student just beginning treatment with sex hormones. Daffodil Altan is an editor at New America Media, Min Lee is an editor at YO! Youth Outlook Multimedia.

San Francisco – Mookey Goh’s four roommates cluster around him in the bathroom, watching intently as he sits on the edge of the bathtub preparing to inject himself with testosterone for the first time. Mookey, 24, is a senior at San Francisco State University. Born Jessica, he is biologically female and identifies as a transgendered male — or, in his terms, as a “gender f—.” Mookey has not undergone top or bottom surgery (i.e., breast removal or sex-change operations) and doesn’t plan to. He just wants the hormones.