More than a woman: Travolta finally returns to musicals – Peter Howell – Movie Critic

Hollywood – John Travolta can still do his smooth disco moves from Saturday Night Fever and his rock ‘n’ roll struts from Grease. They just might take a little longer.

“Sure,” he says with a big grin, when the question comes up during an interview for Hairspray, his first movie musical in nearly 30 years.

“I do remember most of my steps, and you know why? It’s because you drill them so much. You’re rehearsing them over and over again and they’re embedded. So long as you have the right piece of music you could probably recreate it. Whether I could get my knees up in the same amount of quickness, I don’t know.”

He seems proud of himself, as well he should be. At age 53, and a couple of notches looser in the belt, nobody would expect him to be as limber as he was in his 20s.