Nine Questions for Josh Kilmer-Purcell – by Jennifer Parello

A former drag queen chats about the perils of drugs, fame and having a crush on Suzanne Pleshette

Josh Kilmer-Purcell, 37, is author of The New York Times best-selling I Am Not Myself These Days, a comic memoir that recounts his romance with a drug-addicted hustler and his adventures as an advertising-executive by day and a tipsy drag queen by night.

Windy City Times: Last night, in preparation for this interview, I drank an entire bottle of wine and watched an old Dick Cavett show that featured an hour-long interview with Bette Davis. You were once a big drinker. Do you have any advice on how I can get rid of my hangover?

Josh Kilmer-Purcell: The bigger question is why did you stop? It?s impossible to have a hangover when you?re drinking.

WCT: Your book begins with you telling the story of the time your crack-addicted, hustler boyfriend contemplated stabbing you to death with an expensive knife your parents gave you for Christmas. Tell me, Josh, do you enjoy cooking?