NoHo Pride this Saturday – By Judy Van Handle

Northampton – Pride season starts early in this small college city, but that seems to be a wholly appropriate tradition. Northampton, the city once called ?Lesbianville USA? while also being front and center in progressive political circles, also leads the way for Pride as the annual host to New England?s first GLBT celebration of the year.

This Saturday, as many as 8000 participants are expected to take part in Northampton?s 26th annual Northampton Pride, the umbrella name for the march held through the city?s streets and ending in a rally and celebration in a downtown parking lot.

Called ?United for Equality,? this year?s march and rally features the usual mix of entertainers and political speeches, including state Rep. Cheryl Coakley-Rivera of Springfield, an out lesbian, and Matt McTighe, the political director of MassEquality. Gunner Scott, the co-chair and a founder of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition, also will speak.