Number of Profiles Per Person & Ratings Voting

Updated: 5/27/05

Ok… a couple of things… everyone should read this…

1. Number of Profiles Per Person. For now on we are going to limit the number of Profile per person to 1. There will be 2 exceptions to this rule. We will allow 2 Profiles for an individual if they split their time between 2 Locations and want a profile for each Location or if a person has a Profile as 2 totally Different Personas, for example, 1 Profile as a Male Admirer and 1 Profile as a Girl (Male To Female) or 1 Profile as a Female Admirer and 1 Profile as a Boy (Female To Male) assuming that they live Part Time as one and Part Time as the other.

There is also a situation where I put a Put up a Profile for a Featured Model using a Picture or Pictures from the Photoshoot. In this case they are allowed to create a Profile of their own, using a picture of their own choosing.

If anyone is aware of someone that has more than 1 profile in a single location or more than 2 profiles (with the exceptions listed above) please send a note to with a link to all of the profiles the person has. We will then contact the person and ask them to Request Deletion of all the profiles above the allowed amount. If we don’t receive a reply we will decide which profiles to delete.

This is being done because we’re getting too many complaints from people that assume a person having multiple profiles is using them to “down vote” others in the Ratings. I can tell you this. We’ve looked at a few of these cases that were reported to us and the people holding the multiple profiles were NOT using them for this purpose. They were using them for visibility, period. Nevertheless, we are going to limit the number of profiles because it’s really become a pain in the neck to deal with the complaints.

2. Ratings. If you don’t like the way you’re being Rated, disable your ratings. By default they are disabled, you have to make a concsious decision to enable them. Don’t bother complaining to us that you think you’ve been Rated unfairly… there is a very simple solution… and… it is… disable them and no one will be able to Rate you unfairly. Very simple.

While we’re on the subject of Ratings… there is nothing wrong with people soliciting votes. It’s human nature and there is no harm done when someone solicits votes. Only people who have profiles can vote in the Ratings so putting up an announcement somewhere else requesting votes won’t really do any good unless the people that see it take the time to fill out a profile and get it approved. If they do, they are welcome to vote however they’d like.

What brought this Article about? Honestly? Being tired of feeling like a Nursery School teacher and having to listen to people whine over and over and over again about the Ratings. They are supposed to be fun. If you’re not having fun with them, you should disable them.

That’s it, I’ve spoken my mind.