One-man play highlights GLBT History Month – By Sarah Lohman

Man tells of experience in program to convert gays

You can’t make fish fly, but you can chuck them across the room and make them think, for just a little while, that they can.

Tearfully, a member of the crowd asked Peterson Toscano to read his poem at the end of the question and answer session of a one-man play, which was featured as the keynote address for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender History Month.

Toscano performed his play, humorously titled, “Doin’ Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House: How I Survived the Ex-Gay Movement,” on Tuesday evening in the Student Center Auditorium.

The play’s focus was an ex-gay residential program that Toscano participated in Memphis, Tenn., and used humor, emotional anecdotes and his interpretations of biblical passages.