Our Fall TV Preview Guide to whats gay this season

AfterElton.com – by Josh Aterovis, Contributing Writer

When it comes to gay representation on television this fall, there’s the bad news and the not-quite-so-bad news. The bad news is that by our count, not a single new scripted network show features a gay character in a lead or supporting role. Several shows have hinted they may add a gay character at some point in the future, but as for now there are no new characters for gay viewers. There are, however, two transgender characters on new shows and one is played by a transgender actress.

The not-so-bad news is that gay visibility on returning shows does fare somewhat better. We still have several out gay actors playing straight parts on successful shows: the Emmy nominated Neil Patrick Harris on How I Met Your Mother, T.R. Knight on Grey’s Anatomy and Eric Millegan on Bones. In addition, several more gay characters on hit shows are being added including the revelation that Kevin Walker’s Uncle Saul (Ron Rifkin) Brothers & Sisters is gay, the addition of a love interest for Marc St. James (Michael Urie) on Ugly Betty as well as the gay couple moving to Wisteria Lane on Desperate Housewives.