Parliament farewells first transsexual MP

The world’s first transsexual MP Georgina Beyer came into Parliament making a joke about her sexuality and left yesterday on the same note.

In her maiden speech Ms Beyer joked that she was the stallion that became a gelding, then a mayor (of Carterton) and then she became a member.

“Well Madame Speaker can I say to you at this point that while I have relished the opportunity at being a member in this House I am glad I don’t possess one,” she said in her valedictory speech last night.

But it was not all lightness and laughter as she talked about the difficult decision to support Labour over the foreshore and seabed legislation.

“I am Maori but I held a general seat and my electorate wanted me to support the Government.”

However, she was listening to family and Maori who opposed it.

“We all actually experience from time to time being torn in this way.”