Police seek motive in shooting

ArizonaRepublic.com – Lindsey Collom

Authorities unsure if it was hate crime

The headline of the March 22, 2006, edition of The Arizona Republic read: “2 men being sought in transsexual’s slaying.”

The story began: Police are looking for two men in connection with the fatal shooting of a transsexual. A 22-year-old man living as a woman was killed near 35th and Glenrosa avenues early Tuesday.

When and where

The shooting occurred March 21 about 12:04 a.m. along 35th Avenue just south of Glenrosa Avenue in Phoenix.


Despite early reports that Maurice Green, 22, was a transsexual, he was best described as a cross-dresser. Transsexuals identify with the opposite gender and seek to live as such, but Green lived most of his days as a man. In wom- en’s clothing, his female persona was Melissa.

Police said Green often went to an adult bookstore in the area and would often “hook up” with clientele; he may also have been involved in drug activity.