Prejudice, Trannies and Gum Ball Machines – Submitted by Cathii

I have noticed recently a huge amount of prejudice concerning trannies recently. Originally I dismissed it as isolated groups flying their own flag and refusing to accept anything else. I am now realising that it is far more sinister than that. This is actually organised prejudice with an entire recruiting process.

I have never really been around extreme prejudice before, be it racism, sexism, homophobia or whatever. True we all have our small prejudices inside of us, but for the absolute majority of the people I know and call friends, that truly is the extent of it. My friends accept people for the content of their character, not the colour of their skin, their sexual preference, their sex and most importantly to me, their gender identity. In short I have a varied group of friends from all walks of life that are capable of socialising with almost anyone at any time. So the prejudice that seems to be worrying me so, is something new to me.