Queer film festival a celebration of diversity

VancouverSun.com – By Kevin Griffin – Vancouver Sun

To paraphrase a popular saying, sometimes you can judge a guide by its cover.

In the case of the Vancouver Queer Film Festival Guide, the hot-pink cover emblazoned with a rainbow-striped ice pop really does communicate the festival’s diversity. It also sets a fun, slightly naughty tone from the start.

The festival events and film descriptions inside are as diverse as promised by the term queer, meant to include the full spectrum of non-heterosexual sexual orientation, from gay and lesbian to transsexual and two-spirited. There are films about upper-middle-class lesbians in Jordan, white-trash gender benders in Portland, transsexuals in Florida, young gay males wrestling with family obligations in China, communist sailors in post-revolutionary Russia, and radical pornographers in San Francisco and Vancouver.