Readers Platform: Transgender rights and wrongs

Here is a sample of the more than 230 comments – reflecting a vigorous debate in the gay, lesbian and transgender communities – registered on SFGate by 6 p.m. Tuesday. To see all the comments, go to

I think this is the saddest day I have seen in my 30 years as an out of the closet gay man. Today could have been momentous. The US Congress would have finally passed a major non-discrimination bill. Instead our so-called “leaders” allowed the process to be hijacked by the most extreme elements in our community and as a result NOTHING will be passed. The behavior of GLAAD, FLAG, etc., is like spoiled children throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get everything they want for Christmas. And now we find out that HRC has also capitulated to the demands of the extremists. When there is NO gay rights bill remember who to thank.

– James Short, 44, Chico

I am a transsexual woman. To all the gay and lesbian groups who stood up and made the LGBT mean something, thank you. I love you all. I totally do. To those gays who do not understand why we are included, no we are not all hetero; roughly half of us are lesbian. Straight people generally think that all gay drag queens are transsexual, by the way, and I get called “homosexual” all the time. So yeah, it’s confusing. We are a small community but many of you are a part of us; does that make sense?

– Darlie Brewster, 49, Sherman Oaks