Remarks By Counselor and Chief of Staff Cheryl D. Mills At Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender…

Dean Acheson Auditorium – Washington, DC

Thank you very much, John, and thank you, Michelle, and we won’t say who was actually twisting her arm. You know, Richard Holbrooke was with her when she fell, as you all know. (Laughter.) But I would never say that about Richard. I want the record to reflect I love him.

First, on behalf of Secretary Clinton, I am honored to be here today and to celebrate LGBT Pride Month with members of the State Department family and representatives with so many other government agencies where gays and lesbians are serving with dedication and distinction and commitment. And I know that the Secretary was personally, personally saddened that she couldn’t be here today, and I thought it was important to share that with you and also to make sure that I was here to be able to speak at least half for her. As you all know, it’s hard to speak for her.