Report tracks violence against gender queers – By Bob Roehr

Young people of color who don?t conform to gender norms are more likely to be target of violent hate crimes, report shows

A new report issued by the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition documents a tide of murderous violence against gender nonconformists in the United States over the last decade, according to Riki Wilchins, GenderPAC?s executive director and author of the report.

?If the FBI was mandated to track hate crimes based on an individual?s gender identity or gender expression, which they are not, it would outweigh every other category except rape. This is a big, big problem,? Wilchins said.

One such murder occurs every two to three months, according to the report, titled ?50 Under 30: Masculinity and the War on America?s Youth,? which was released Dec. 14 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

Wilchins said she believes the report undercounts ?effeminate gay men who were targeted because they weren?t being masculine enough and butch women who were targeted because they were not being femme enough.?