REQUEST For Transgender Film Submissions

REQUEST For Transgender Film Submissions

The Southern Comfort Conference is one of the transgender community’s premier events. Every year, hundreds of people from around the world converge on Atlanta to partake of the rich variety of educational, social, and personal empowerment programming.

This year, (our 14th, September 30 – October 2, 2004) we plan to launch an exhibition of transgender-themed films. Spielberg & Miramax probably won’t be there, but the largest audience of trans-folk you could ever expect will be. This is an opportunity to have your work seen by the people who know the topic best. Like all our conference programming, the screenings will only be available to registered attendees at no extra charge.

Submissions should be in DVD or VHS format. Please submit a copy rather than your original, as submissions will not be returned. They can be short or feature length, in any genre and any subject, SO LONG AS they are relevant to transgender culture or perspectives. Entrants need not be transgendered themselves, so long as these criteria are met.

Our intention is to develop an annual film festival at Southern Comfort that is juried, with prizes awarded. Our mission is to celebrate and support the evolution of transgender culture through the cinematic arts. We are counting on the creativity of potential entrants like yourself to make this a success.

The DEADLINE for submissions is July 1st.

For information and to enter, contact:

For more information about the Southern Comfort Conference, please visit our website at: Southern Comfort Conference

PLEASE feel free to distribute this invitation.