Seventh annual Red Ribbon Ball generates vital resources for ICAN – By Suzy Dorr

Labeled “An affair to remember … in the spirit of old Hollywood,” the Red Ribbon Ball at the Hilton on Saturday well may be unforgettable for 150 supporters who came to support the Island Coast AIDS Network (ICAN).

Larger-than-life iconic photos of legendary stars loomed around every corner, and a platinum-haired, pink-begowned “Jean Harlow,” aka Gina Sabiston, stood poised to embrace all comers during staged photo ops.

Entering through a theatrically lighted archway, the mainly black-tie, begowned crowd strolled a ballroom foyer lined with displays of silent-auction items before continuing on to the bar. Two complimentary drink coupons were included in the $250 per person ticket price, as was the four-course dinner.